Ichthus School of English イクサス通訳スクール

Ichthus School
of English

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(本校の主任講師 Jay Hirota 先生が責任を持って指導されます)


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坂本さん 外資企業勤務

私はアメリカの公立学校で学びましたが、会社のミーティングで通訳したりや説得力のあるプレゼンを英語でやる力が不足していると感じ、週に1回、プライベートで授業を受けることにしました。先生は仕事に関連した教材を作成して、英語スピーチのサマリーの仕方や日英・英日の通訳指導もしていただきました。論理的に英語で話すトレーニングが特に役立ちました。Hirota 先生の指導のおかげで以前よりも自信を持って仕事で英語を使えるようになりました。



Are you interested in becoming an interpreter but feel that your English speaking and listening skills aren't quite up to par? Look no further than our "Interpreter 101 Course" ! Designed specifically to improve your English skills using the Interpreter Training Method, this course is the perfect prerequisite for anyone interested in pursuing interpreter training.

Don't let a lack of English proficiency hold you back from pursuing your dreams of becoming an interpreter. The ability to understand and accurately convey spoken language is essential to the interpreting process, and our course will help you develop these skills in an effective and enjoyable way.

With our curriculum, you'll be well-prepared to take on the challenges of full-fledged interpreting training. Even if you're not planning to become an interpreter, this course is an excellent way to improve your English communication skills to a high level.

So why wait? Sign up for our "Interpreter Training-101-Course" and take the first step towards achieving your interpreting goals! And don't forget, "101" is just another way of saying "introductory," so whether you're a beginner or looking to brush up on your skills, this course is perfect for you.



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